Tomorrow is my sister’s 15th birthday and she asked for a cake with berries – so I tried to realize her wish by making a chocolate-sponge cake with cream, berries and topped with a rasperry jelly.
I have to admit that it was lots of work and it wasn’t easy because I didn’t try the cake (in this form) before. But I am rather satisfied with the result, I hope you like it too
For the chocolate-sponge:
- 6 eggs
- 200 grams sugar
- 150 grams flour
- 50 grams cornflour
- a little bit of baking powder
- 50 grams of cocoa powder
- 30 grams melted butter
- Stir the eggs and the sugar in a doubleboiler until it is a creamy mix.
- Sieve the dry ingredients and fold them in the egg-mixture. Then melt the butter and fold it in there, too.
- Bake the sponge about 40 minutes at 180 degrees Celcius.
For the stuffing:
- about 250 millilitres
- 250 grams quark
- some sugar and vanilla sugar
- a splash of Grand Marnier (orange liquor)
- 5 gelatin leaves
- Whip the cream until stiff. Mix it then with quark, sugar, vanilla sugar and liquor.
- Soak the gelatin leaves in cold water, put a table spoon of the cream-mix into a pan and dissolve the gelatin leaves in the hot mixture. Mix it then with the rest of the cream.
How to finish the cake:
- Cut the chocolate-sponge in two (horizontally, of course) and put half of the cream-mixture on the first half of the cake. Put it in the fridge for about one hour because it needs to stiffen a bit.
- After this hour, put the second half of the cake on the cream and spread the rest of the cream-mixture on it.
- Bring some rasperries to a boil with sugar, orange liquor (Grand Marnier) and 2 gelatine leaves. Purée it and sieve it. Bring this mixture then to a boil again with some glaze. Wait until it isn’t hot anymore and pour the mix over the cake (on the cream-layer).
- Decorate the top of the cake with strawberries, blueberries and blackberries; the sides with cream and almond flakes.